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With the recent legalization of Cannabis across the globe, it’s fair to say that the world has yet to discover many of its benefits. The research is now authorized in many countries and many scientists are taking advantage of the green light to finally dedicate their lifetime to study the cannabis plant. We always like to follow these studies and acknowledge some of them with our daily experience with CBDayz products. For any of you who are interested in the topic like we are, we have gathered for you our favorite and most relevant legitimate studies and information sources we’ve found on this page. The empowerment of humans using CBD could appears to be real, and we hope you can get a better opinion after reading more about it. We believe that your knowledge may become your best medicine and therefore recommend to any CBD users to always get as much information possible before any product purchase. 

So far, pharmaceutical CBD is only approved by the FDA as adjunct therapy for the treatment of a special and rare form of epilepsy. Currently, CBD alone is not approved for treatment of pain in the United States. But a combination medication that contains both THC and CBD in a 1:1 ratio was approved by Health Canada for prescription for certain types of pain, specifically central neuropathic pain in multiple sclerosis, and the treatment of cancer pain unresponsive to optimized opioid therapy. However there is currently no high-quality research study that supports the use of CBD alone for the treatment of pain. CBDayz first created CBD topicals and tinctures from their Colorado lab in 2018, and we have been helping many people with various conditions. It does feel right when we hear the positive feedback. The ultimate goal to achieve at CBDayz, is to help people feel better and be happy.

CBDayz product available in the USA only

The CBDayz range of products in the United States includes muscle gel, tinctures and lip balms.

In the United States, the CBD market alone is predicted to reach 20 billion dollars. With such a booming market in motion down south, there must be something good behind it that matches our own positive experience with CBD. Here in Canada,  we have a completely different set of regulations on CBD products, and some restrictions are definitely slowing down the variety and availability of affordable CBD products. Hemp flowers, cosmetics, higher potency topicals or edibles can be found over the counter in many other European countries and USA. We always need more research but so far our findings on CBD may prove to be a helpful, relatively non-toxic option for managing anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain.

You can expect lots of new products and studies to come in the next few years from Canada, but we hope you enjoy reading Research Center selection of articles from around the world. We will keep updating this page so make sure to come back sometime soon.   

Hemp CBD gummies.

CBD Study on elite performance athlete from The McGill Cannabis Research center in Montreal:

Cannabis and the Health and Performance of the Elite Athlete

CBD study on anxiety and depression from the Neurosciences Institute, University Miguel Hernández-CSIC, Spain:

Cannabidiol: A Potential New Alternative for the Treatment of Anxiety, depression, and Psychotic Disorders

Study on the efficiency of CBD to help quit smoking cigarettes conducted by Cannabis Herald in UK on 199 people:

35% of participants abstained from cigarette smoking.

The potential benefits of medicinal Cannabis for people living with cancer cannabis study by the National Cancer Institute:

One study in mice and rats suggested that cannabinoids may have a protective effect against the development of certain types of tumors.

CBD and its potential improving mood experience from the National Cancer Institute:

"Patients often experience mood elevation after exposure to Cannabis, depending on their previous experience. In a five-patient case series of inhaled Cannabis that examined analgesic effects in chronic pain, it was reported that patients who self-administered Cannabis had improved mood, improved sense of well-being, and less anxiety."

 CBD and its interaction with pain and inflammation from the National Cancer Institute:

"Cannabinoids may also contribute to pain modulation through an anti-inflammatory mechanism; a CB2 effect with cannabinoids acting on mast cell receptors to attenuate the release of inflammatory agents, such as histamine and serotonin, and on keratinocytes to enhance the release of analgesic opioids has been described.One study reported that the efficacy of synthetic CB1- and CB2-receptor agonists were comparable with the efficacy of morphine in a murine model of tumor pain."

 The difference between CBD and THC explained by Health Canada:

 Watch their youtube explanatory video.

DCP smoking Cannabis CBDayz THC CBD

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